Marvel’s Impact on Society

Avengers: Endgame premieres April 26, 2019, and it will be expected to be the top trend in social media, pop culture, and in cinema due to the impact it has across the world over the last 10 years.

For Megan Parker, a manager at a Malco theater in Memphis, Tennessee, spring time means Marvel time, which means a high demand for employees to be working. She has been with Malco for almost 10 years and she states that nothing fills seats in more than a Marvel movie.

“When Marvel movies come out, we make it a requirement for our entire staff to be available,” Parker said. “Each showing is sold out, we usually play [Marvel moves] them in at least two or three of our screens, and it gets really hectic. It’s honestly nonstop, you would think it would have faded by now, but I think the franchise has been more popular now than it has ever been.”

Out of the 22 movies, seven of them have made it into the billions in the worldwide box office records.  As of 2019, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has never been more at its peak with over 20 movies released and one on the verge of its premiere that has already shattered box office records.

Avengers: Endgame has already taken over the top spot in Fandango’s list of top five first day presales, and the craziest part about it is that it broke the record in just the first six hours. This film will be the culmination of 22 movies and the immediate continuation of Avengers: Infinity War, which made the fourth spot in the all-time worldwide box office record at over $2 billion.


901 Comics is home to thousands of comic books, collectables and memorabilia and for Harry Koniditsiotis, the manager, the success of his store is due in large part to the boom of the MCU and its shift in mainstream popularity.

“I have been reading comics and part of this geek community since I as about nine,” Koniditsiotis said. “To see how much other people get to share the same love I have for this franchise makes this the prime of being a comic book fan. A decade ago, it would be crazy to even think that a superhero franchise would make 22 movies and counting with some hitting billions of dollars.”

Marvel has had in impact in the lives of fans that collecting is now a hobby for many super-fans that used to just be casual fans.  Dhiren Keshav, a regular at 901 Comics and an avid member of West Tennessee Funko POP Buy, Sell and Trade, says that because of the MCU, a good amount of every paycheck goes towards his collection of Marvel collectables.

“Collecting to me is an addiction, a good one at least,” Keshav said. “Being in an organization with collectors like me has had me meet some of the best people I know, people that have the same passion I do.  I will be going to the first IMAX showing with many of those same people to make memories that mega-fans like us will never forget.”

The MCU began in 2008 with the release of Iron Man which at the time had the second highest grossing opening weekend for a non-sequel movie. From there, Marvel Studios under Disney ran with the success to create a cinematic universe for the character to share with other ones down the line.

Jonathan Forrester, who will be launching a podcast this Spring covering Marvel and other superhero news credits the MCU for his aspirations on wanting to start up his podcast.

“For me, I always find myself talking to my friends about Marvel movie theories and different aspects about it and always feel that those conversations would sound great on a car ride or while working out,” Forrester said. “The MCU is just a great way to stay within a specific community and not lose touch of your ‘inner child’.”

Each year, San Diego, California hosts the largest comic-con in the United States which showcases the biggest superhero movies and news reveals drawing hundreds of thousands of fans from the country.

Shawn Bailey, 21, frequently makes the trips to San Diego each year and to some New York Comic-cons to see what things will be unveiled.

“Comic-cons have been going around for a while,” Bailey said. “But Marvel and parts of DC has turned these events into concert-like events with the crowds it draws now. People don’t know it yet but this is the Star Wars of the 21stcentury.”

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