Memphis Rox

Memphis Rox is a non-profit organization based in South Memphis that allows for kids in the area, or any area, to rock climb and get out of the street.

Open seven days a week, they do not turn anybody away, regardless of age, experience or ability to pay. Of course, waivers must be filed before one can climb but once they are signed, everything is available until closing time. Many students coming home from school spend their days there to stay off the streets and do something positive.

For Xavier Gale, a member since its opening, he says Memphis Rox is very crucial to the community simply based on its location.

“Its right in the heart of a struggling community and that is what a lot of these kids need the most, a safe place to go and have fun,” Gale said. “I came just once to have a good time with some friends but now I am a regular and I am not even that good at climbing.”

Memphis Rox also has a full-service fitness gym and yoga classes for parents or kids that aren’t comfortable climbing yet. Also included is a lounge and a pay-it-forward snack bar. All that is asked in return is a donation (not required), good behavior, and the will to climb.


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