About Me

Hello, my name is Joshua Rivera and I am a Journalism student at the University of Memphis majoring in Sports Journalism/ Television Broadcasting.  I am set to graduate by Fall 2020 and after graduation I hope to already have a job lined up with a local newspaper or television news station covering sports, hopefully basketball, throughout the city.

My experience with sports journalism stems back to my freshman year in college, when I began writing freelance for Basketball Above All, a site that covered the NBA until it was shut down by the owner.  I worked as team assistant for the Memphis Grizzlies for three seasons, I am currently a reporter for the Daily Helmsman, our university’s independent newspaper have hosted for my podcast, the Ball Boys Podcast, covering the Memphis Grizzlies and news from all around the NBA.

Basketball has been my passion for several years because that is where I feel the most comfortable, the most content, and the most excitement.  My dad told me when I was young that if I get a career doing something I love, I will never work a day in my life and that is what I have been chasing.
